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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets - Part 4 Fixed Focus Plastic

My Christmas Present in 2015 from Andrew and Julie Bomyer bought me a was a Google 3D VR cardboard headset. Before I opened the box I thought it was literally one of the Google Cardboard Headsets.

But when I unwrapped the parcel I discovered it was:

DESTEK 3D VR Glasses

And from the pictures on the boxes, this was obviously not a cheap cardboard headset but a nice quality Plastic Headset that they sell on amazon:

In part 5 of my "Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets" on this blog, I will included a link to my unboxing Youtube video and discuss my findings on this attractive Google VR 3D Headset.


Friday, 26 February 2016

Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets - Part 3 Without Glasses

In my fixed1t youtube video:

How To Watch 3D Side By Side Movies Without A Google Headset

I showed how to watch side-by-side SBS Youtube videos without 3D glasses or headsets.  Below is a picture frame from the videos and below that a link to the youtube video I used, and below that a link to my test video instructions.

Below is the link to my test video instructions


Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets - Part 2 How?

The big question is how much should you pay to watch 3D movies.

Watching 3D Movies at the Cinema

The way most people watch 3D Movies is at the Cinema using purchase Polarising Glasses.  The best 3D movie I have seen at the cinema is:

The system works pretty well as the left and right eye video images are projected at the same time, but the polarised lens only allow each eye to see the image with its polarisation.  This is a vast improvement on the old technology of projecting the movie in two different colours and audiences having to wear coloured glasses with matching colours for each eye.

The beauty of the polarised approach for mass audiences, is that if your eyes get tired and you take the glasses off you can still watch the movie, although it appears a little blurred.

Watching 3D Movies on the Television

In recent years new High Definition 3D Televisions have become available.  These also use special glasses which are called 'shutter glasses'.  With these glasses the left and right eye pieces are electronically flickered, so that the left eye sees the 'left image' and the right eye sees nothing and vis versa.  This is done at such a speed that the slow human eye and brain sees two different images and combines then in a single stereo picture in the brains visual cortex.  This is also a clever system but expensive and requiring specialist equipment.

Avatar with Limited Edition Lenticular Artwork (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD)

Watching 3D Movies on the Google Cardboard 3D Headset

Google mapped onto a very old technology with the release of the cardboard 3D headset.

As I mentioned in my previous entry, this is based on the simple principle of taking two photos on a camera at the same time using lenses which are set human eye distance apart, and they showing them with a viewer in the same manner.  The human brains visual cortex then stitches the two slightly different images together and produces the requires 3D perspective.

If you have 20/20 vision and want to dabble cheaply in 3D Video viewing then there are a huge number of these cardboard 3D Virtual Reality headsets available.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets - Part 1

When I was first involved with Virtual Reality I was working for Wisdom Systems and Knowledge Based Engineering CAD supplier and was at Computervision who were then a major CAD/CAM provider.

It was at an open day and they had the top of the range Silicon Graphics setup with huge headset and gloves.

It looked a bit like this huge headset, big by surprisingly comfortable.
My task was to fly up to a flying VR helicopter, fly through the fuselage and replace the rotors whilst turning.  Reality would have meant instant death for all concerned but in VR it was easy.

As others roared with laughter, I bobbed or weaved and gesticulated with helmet and VR gloves and achieved the task.  I knew in an instant this was a real winner of a product and technology.  Then the 20 - 30 year rule cut in and it all went quiet, with just a few academic and military research areas continuing to carry the torch, but progress was slow and very very expensive.

Flip on 30 years and the hi res graphics in the mobile phone and the huge Ram and processing speed, mean that you can replicate the 3D VR space with nothing more than a cardboard box strapped to you head with a mobile phone in it.

The concept of side by side 3D isn't new, in fact its has been around for donkeys years. Most remember the beautiful 3D picture viewers which began appearing to take photography and the imagination of watchers, to a new level.  The images were stunning, I had a huge collection as a teenager and swapped them for an old acoustic guitar.

Being a geek I regularly get given unusual presents, and this year I was given a pair of the Plastic so called Google 'cardboard' 3D glasses.  I tried them on and in the next entry I will review them and explain how they are used.


Saturday, 20 February 2016


This playlist contains my fixed1t AIBO videos, I am working with others to keep these fantastic Sony AIBO Robot Dog Pets working, and as they have autonomous personalities I say keeping them alive, in the silicon not human sense. I included the BringAIBOBack tag as suggested by a fixed1t viewer, and I thought it was a good idea.


Sunday, 7 February 2016

AIBO Repair 3 : GOLD ERS-210 Part 2 - No More Jitters fixed1t fix

Hi I got and the did the fix, it was at little more straight forward this time as I had a better understanding of the AIBO ERS-210 leg anatomy so I could do things with the constant fear of breaking some part that I would have to manufacture if I broke it.

AIBO Repair 3 : GOLD ERS-210 Part 2 - No More Jitters fixed1t fix
This is the 3rd AIBO I am repaired and as there are no AIBO repair people in the UK but with apprenticeship help from WOLFBOB in the USA, and things are going well.  I'm planning to do a head repair in the next week and then refurb some batteries.  #fixed1tAIBOrepair

Saturday, 6 February 2016

AIBO Repair 3 : GOLD ERS-210 Part 1 - Jitters

This AIBO ERS-210 Robot Dog is the brother of the Blue AIBO ERS-210 I recently fixed.  Sadly it is in poor shape, in this video I switch him on to observe the faults and behaviours that will help me understand what is wrong with it.

These are not dumb 'Remote Controlled' robot toys, these are independent thinking machines which interact with their environment and react independently to it. They are also very cute and affectionate.

