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Thursday, 31 March 2016

Dr Who visit to National Computing Museum Bletchley Park

What I forgot to mention, though some of you may have spotted him!  A Dr WHO lookalike
William Hartnell - Dr WHO
was also in attendance with his very modern screwdriver device

Dr Who Secretly Filming The Cybermen

Dr Who Questioning The Cybermen
Daleks Take A Prisoner As Dr WHO looks on

Dr Who With Screwdriver In Hand
He also consoled Oliver when he came into the cafe and told him the Daleks had gone home.

Did you see him in my videos:

Cybermen And Dr WHO At The National Computing Museum Bletchley Park 2016

Real Daleks At The National Computing Museum Bletchley Park 2016


Cybermen And Dr WHO At The National Computing Museum Bletchley Park 2016

This video is about being confronted by Cybermen And Dr WHO At The National Computing Museum Bletchley Park 2016. The Museum had a SciFi Easter Weekend we expected Sci Fi Toys and got Cybermen, Daleks and Dr WHO. #geekyUNCLEfixed1t

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park

The National Museum of Computing, is located on Bletchley Park, is an independent charity housing the world's largest collection of functional historic computers, including the rebuilt Colossus, the world’s first electronic computer, and the WITCH, the world's oldest working digital computer. The Museum enables visitors to follow the development of computing from the ultra-secret pioneering efforts of the 1940s through the large systems and mainframes of the 1950s, 60s and 70s, and the rise of personal computing in the 1980s and beyond.
The Museum runs a highly successful Learning Programme for schools and colleges and promotes introductions to computer coding amongst young people, especially females, to inspire the next generation of computer scientists and engineers.
Funders of the Museum have included Bletchley Park Capital Partners, Bloomberg, CreateOnline, Ceravision, Fujitsu,, Ocado Technology, FUZE, 4Links, Google UK, IBM, NPL, HP Labs, and BCS.
For more details go to the website:

Real Daleks At The National Computing Museum Bletchley Park 2016

This video is about being confronted by Real Daleks At The Easter Exhibition at the National Computing Museum Bletchley Park 2016. The Museum had a SciFi Easter Weekend we expected Sci Fi Toys and got this. Used to terrify me as a child, watched through closed fingers from behind a sofa, their Ring Modulator  voices are still chilling.  Scared little Oliver and his brother Pascal. #geekyUNCLEfixed1t

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Teen Looking For Work In Robotics

If I were young and unemployed but interested in computing I wouldn't waste my money on a cheap car, I'd buy a second hand high tech robot like NAO

and join the now FREE Alderbaran developers group and learn to program it in Choregraphe and PYTHON and then look for a robotics programming job.

There would be nothing better at interview than taking your robot along and demonstrating your programming talents, work ethic and determination.

One on sale on Ebay now, click here for my previous blog entry


For Sale On eBay NOW An Alderbaran Autonomous Humanoid NAO ROBOT

If you like the look of the Aldebaran NAO Robot I purchased second hand from eBay, which featured in my unboxing video:

then you'll be interested if not eager to know the 'same seller' has an identical twin

For sale on eBay, just click on the link below to get there:

NAO Humanoid Robot On eBay


Picture of my NAO Robot

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Alderbaran Autonomous Humanoid NAO ROBOT eBay Purchase Unboxing

This video is about Unboxing my Second User Humanoid Aldebaran Autonomous Intelligent NAO ROBOT which I purchased from eBay. I provide support for kids on the Autistic Spectrum with communication difficulties and these robots are a perfect tool to provide none threatening communcations. This also provides access to another branch of my private research into Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Based Systems, Knowledge Based Engineering, Robotics and electronics. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks... it may be true,, but an old dog can definitely learn new tricks for himself and keep the old grey cells alive. As They Say Use IT Or Lose It ;-)


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets - Part 5 DESTEK 3D Unboxing

In my last 3D VR blog entry

Virtual Reality, 3D Movies And Cheap 3D Headsets - Part 4 Fixed Focus Plastic

I mentioned in Part 4 I had received a 3D VR Headset for Christmas and rather than it being a cheap cardboard headset it was a decent quality headset.  I was so impressed with it I've made a unboxing video, please take time to watch it and share it.

This DESTEK 3D Headset is a good low cost, low end headset, they sell in on Amazon

My only criticisms of the DESTEK 3D VR headset are:

It appears to have fresnel type lenses, which I suppose give it its 20/20 vision profile.
They are only for people who do not have to wear reading glasses
They are not for people who do not need reading contact lenses

Other than that they are a great introductory unit into 3D VR side-by-side 3D video viewing, and its flip opening and padded phone panel, means the phone doesn't start slipping around as you do.

In part 6 of this series, I will be reviewing the 3D VR headset I went out and purchased after deciding I found the total emersion of 3D watching relaxing and fun.
