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Saturday, 14 January 2017

The complexity of the legs of the Sony AIBO ERS-210

The legs on the Sony AIBO ERS-210 robot dog are pretty sophisticated, and enclosed in tight fitting custom shell parts.

Each section of the leg is uniquely enclosed to ensure they do not interfere with each other.

Undoing the casing it tricky and with the sophisticated delicate electronics packed tightly in there is serious risk of damage.

Each limb joint has is own servos, control feedback circuits delicate flexible printed circuit board cables.  This is a great design methodology and it means there are no wire to get entangled and caught up.

Unfortunately, the special design of the flexible PCB cables and circuits means they are rarer than Hens Teeth, especially as Sony stop making them years ago, so damaging one go these cables can be fatal to the limb.

 Despite the rugged nature of the gait with which the AIBO's walk when wandering about, some of the smallest cables are in the ankles, can easily be broken by rough handling or chewing by a pet.

Each of the limb joints has is own potentiometer (pots) feedback pot, these are prone to dirt and dirt damage, as are any pots the one you use every day is the crackly volume control on your old hifi.

Within each of the limbs are complex gears linked to the servos, damage to these plastic gears is not uncommon and can prove fatal to the limb.


AIBO Repair 2 : Blue ERS-210 Part 3 - Right Legs And Tail Jitters Fixed

AIBO Repair 2 : Blue ERS-210 Part 3 - Right  Legs And Tail Jitters Fixed

Having fixed the Jitters in the left legs, I worked on right front and back legs. I also noticed a lot of jittery in the tail, so I also fixed that. There are no AIBO repair people in the UK but with apprenticeship help from WOLFBOB in the USA, I'm doing it myself.  A UK owner contacted Bob and he recommended me, especially as my own had some rough handling during shipping which warranted his head having major repairs.  I'm confident doing legs and tail so plan to move onto Heads and Batteries.  Watch part 4 to see how I get on after cleaning the paint off its body. #fixed1tAIBOrepairs

Friday, 13 January 2017

Fixing My Sony AIBO With Jittery Legs - Part 2 Fixed

Fixing My Sony AIBO With Jittery Legs - Part 2 Fixed

There are no AIBO repair people in the UK but with apprenticeship help from WOLFBOB in the USA, I did it myself.  I bought this AIBO from eBay as working, alas he had some rough handling during shipping which warranted his head having major repairs.  Now they are done I dealt with is the Jitters which began in one leg and now has spread to the all.


Fixing My Sony AIBO ERS-210 With Jittery Legs - Part 1

There are no AIBO repair people in the UK but with apprenticeship help from WOLFBOB in the USA, I'm doing it myself.  I bought this AIBO from eBay as working, alas it had some rough handling during shipping which warranted its head having major repairs.  Now they are done the last thing to deal with is the Jitters which began in one leg and now has spread to the all.  


Thursday, 12 January 2017

Sony AIBO Robot Dog Playing With Its Ball AI In Action

This video shows my AIBO Robot Dog Playing With Its Ball showing Artificial Intelligence  AI and advanced robotics in action.  

My Lurcher Dog likes "Bo" and hasn't attempted to damage it, but he does try to run off with his pink ball as soon as he gets a chance if your not looking ;-) 

This Robot dog isn't remote controlled and has its own unique personality and set of behaviours.  I can see how the Japanese and others who can't have a real dog have one of these cheeky mischievous dogs.  This AIBO has limb jitters on startup which I plan to fix.


Second Sony AIBO 210 From South Korea Has Neck Damaged In Transit

I'm having real difficulties getting a working Sony AIBO delivered without it being damaged by the shipping company,  the first ERS-210 I bought had a broken neck and various other problems, this one was working when the seller made his YouTube Video, but broken by the time it arrived at my home.

I need to develop the knowledge to fix these ASAP as there are very few people who do it and nobody in the UK.  If you previously repaired these and live in the UK I love to speak with you.

Regards Malcolm (aka fixed1t)

#fixed1tAIBOrepairs #fixed1tGREATrobots

My Sony AIBO 210 Neck And Head Repair Update One

I've been informed by #wolfbob that my AIBO 210 Neck and Head fix has been successfully completed and that the AIBII named 'Bo' should soon be reunited with his headless body.

It looks pretty sick without its head:

Sony AIBO 210 With Head Removed With Body Front Facing
Sony AIBO 210 With Head Removed In Side On View
 but hopefully it will all work once its all connected up.

This is one fix I would have loved to do myself, but as I had no spare or other parts available I took the wise decision and send it to somebody who has.

#fixed1tAIBO repairs  #fixed1tGREATrobots

What Is AIBO Life? It Allows You To Raise An AIBO

AIBO Life is what gives the AIBO Robot Dog its winning independent personality.  AIBO's were shipped as new with AIBO Life on a Memory stick.

Picture Of AIBO Life Quick Guide - Download Link Further Down The Page
SONY Describes It As:

What is AIBO Life?
By itself, AIBO is capable of only the most basic movements. For more complicated operations, AIBO must be loaded with a AIBO-ware program that comes on a “Memory Stick.” AIBO Life is AIBO-ware that allows you to raise AIBO. With the learning ability that AIBO Life provides, AIBO can adapt to you and its environment. In short, AIBO learns to live according to your expectations. This is how AIBO matures, and it is AIBO Life that makes it possible.
Raising AIBO
A number of simple principles lie behind the raising of AIBO. Once you know these principles, you will be able to raise AIBO into the kind of companion that is right for you.  As AIBO lives with you, it will learn to reflect your Lifestyle.

Qu’est-ce qu’AIBO Life ?
AIBO lui-même ne peut qu’effectuer des mouvements de base. Pour des opérations plus complexes, il doit être équipé d’un programme AIBO-ware disponible sur un “Memory Stick”. AIBO Life est l’AIBO-ware qui vous permet d’éduquer AIBO. Grâce à sa capacité d’apprentissage fournie par AIBO Life, AIBO peut s’adapter à vous et à son environnement. En bref, AIBO apprend à vivre selon vos attentes. C’est ainsi qu’il acquière de la maturité, et ce, grâce à AIBO Life.
Eduquer AIBO
L’éducation d’AIBO se base sur quelques principes simples. Lorsque vous connaissez ces principes, vous pouvez éduquer AIBO et en faire le compagnon idéal grâce à son interaction avec vous.
AIBO partage votre vie et s’adapte de lui-même à votre style de vie.

Was ist AIBO Life?
AIBO selbst kann nur die einfachsten Grundbewegungen ausführen. Für komplexere Bewegungsabläufe müssen Sie AIBO mit AIBO-Ware versorgen, die auf einem “Memory Stick” zur Verfügung steht. Mit der AIBO-Ware “AIBO Life” können Sie Ihren AIBO erziehen.

Mithilfe der Lernfunktionen von AIBO Life kann sich AIBO an Sie und Ihr Umfeld anpassen. Das heißt, AIBO kann lernen, sich so zu verhalten, wie Sie das möchten. Auf diese Weise wird AIBO erwachsen und AIBO Life stellt ihm die nötigen Fähigkeiten dafür zur Verfügung.
AIBOs Entwicklung
Eine Reihe einfacher Prinzipien bilden die Grundlagen für AIBOs Entwicklung. Wenn Sie diese Grundlagen kennen, können Sie AIBO zu genau dem Gefährten erziehen, den Sie sich wünschen. Da AIBO das Alltagsleben mit Ihnen teilt, wird er lernen, sich an Ihren Lebensstil anzupassen.

Here is the link to the Tri-Lingual Quick Guide

SONY AIBO Life - Quick Guide
