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Saturday, 23 April 2016

fixed1t NAO SAN Robot Life 2

My NAO Robot Watching Flowers Grow Part 1

Videoing a time-lapse sequence with a robot, a vase and a flower should be straight forward shouldn't it and take a few minutes, shouldn't it?

This video shows even getting the lighting right is fraught with hazards.


1 comment:

  1. +scannaunderscore1 19 minutes ago
    u need to make some proper nao vids

    +scannaunderscore1 No worries I plan to. The NAO version I have is Rev 3 and the Aldebaran Website no longer supports Rev 3 and they removed the Rev 3 store, so its been taking me time and hunting to find all I need and install Python etc and the Choregraphe software on a suitable platform. I've always hated executives who think its fine to cut off previous customers who provide them with the revenue and support to get to their current level. As I've been in the leading edge of AI CAD and Knowledge Based Engineering for decades in the past I've seen a lot of it with systems I've sold, consulted and supported. If they don't want to continue developing a product then they should be made to maintain an archive for at least 10 years (then pass it to a University) of the last and previous releases even if there is no active support. The software industry is notorious for doing it, based on the mistaken notion they buying something doesn't make it yours. Anyway, I just need a couple of bits in the next week then me and NAO SAN are going to have some fun, I also need to get my hair cut a bit, or my Neural headset won't work properly and my robots will be bumping around. Keep Watching. In the meantime I'll be releasing the first of several flower and plant videos to try out some new techniques. #fixed1tROBOTS


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